Austin’s Halloween Experience is Scream Hollow!

5 Distinct Attractions – Live Music – Beer & Wine – Halloween Museum – Beer Garden – Food – Bonfires – Gift Shops
You can stop searching for “Halloween events near me” if you live in or near Austin or San Antonio, Texas, because Scream Hollow is your ultimate destination. Unlike other attractions that might give you a slight thrill, we guarantee Scream Hollow will terrify you.
No other attraction or haunted house can terrify and entertain you like Scream Hollow. It’s the only Halloween event you need to visit this year, next year, and every year after that.
Bookmark 149 Split Rail Lane, Smithville, TX 78957 in your GPS so you can always find your way back. For more information about Scream Hollow, call (512) 710-VAMP (8267) or email info@screamhollow.com.